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The Fae of Fenasari



Fae are ancient and very magical creatures born from the power of the Earth and the flora and fauna around them. They come into being for various purposes but it is held in the old stories that the first few to come into being were born to protect the forests and rivers as nature had no physical way to protect herself. From those few have been born countless generations and fae have grown in time into people of their own, wild yet tame, majestic and bold, shy yet curious to even a fault.


    At one time the fae and the humans lived together and even bred with one another, but as time passed this connection dwindled and the memories the humans had of us died out. Now they live in their cages of stone and wood, away from the forests. They choose to ignore us and some even fear us, but we carry on as we always have, living with the forests and keeping our connections with the Earth in harmony to her song.

But not all faes are sweet and caring to the end. Some fae have a darker path set before them and will even commit misdeeds among their own people and their neighbors of the forest. Eventually the fae began to bicker amongst themselves and split into two groups, those of the unseelie and the seelie fae. The seelie are the ones who are of a light nature and those who are unseelie hold a darkness inside of them. It is unknown even by the old texts where this darkness came from or perhaps it is something that has been forgotten. All we can do for the moment is keep the peace within the forest and keep the humans from trancing upon our woods.

    Regardless of how faes came to be and how they are now, they have grown almost civilized over the years and have their own writing, language, and even society. Most of the fae live in the heart of the forest where the magic emanates most strongly. They are most comfortable here and often do not stray too far from the forest itself even. Much like humans, there are laws of the forest for fae and are mostly put there for their own protection. Should a fae be caught breaking these laws they are taken before the council and queen and if found guilty can be punished in any way as seen fit by her. Unseelie faes are treated slightly differently as the corruption has a hold of them they are already seen as no longer real fae and are usually just barred to the outskirts of the forest in isolation as punishment for any crime, sometimes even without trial. Fae have a rich culture and language but it is hard to learn by outsiders and almost impossible to speak for anyone not fae. Fae are very often of merriment and music, often having celebrations for even the tiniest things.

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